Sermons by Pastor Kristen Lowe

Speak Life

Speak Life

Speaker: | October 08, 2017

Our words have power. God spoke and the world came into being. We have the power to create or destroy with the simple use of our tongue. How do we apply scripture to our words...

This Holy Mystery

This Holy Mystery

Speaker: | October 01, 2017

Jesus Christ is alive and present with us at Communion. Do you feel the awe and splendor of Jesus’ presence during Communion? This message will inspire you to think about Communion differently. Listen to this...

Remember to Dance

Remember to Dance

Speaker: | September 10, 2017

With everything going on in our life and in the world, it’s truly important right now to still remember to dance. In the midst of chaos, God calls us to dance. How? Read the message...

Stepping Forward

Stepping Forward

Speaker: | August 27, 2017

Listen to this message by clicking the “Listen” button above.   Read the scripture from this message online: Joshua 3:1-17  After listening to this message, apply its teachings to your life by following these next steps: ...

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