Honest Conversations with Satan Part 1

Honest Conversations with Satan Part 1

When we need guidance, God is ever willing to provide it. So is Satan. He doesn’t come to us as a scary demon, but instead in the form of a sympathetic friend. God will tell us what we need to hear. Satan is happy to tell us what we want to hear.

Review this message from November 12, 2017 as Pastor Kristen explores and shares her own recent conversations with Satan.

Listen to this message by clicking the “Listen” button above and view the message notes by clicking on the “Download” button.

Read the scripture from this message online: Matthew 4:1-11

After listening to this message, apply its teachings to your  life by following these next steps:

  1. Take special steps today to create space to be with God.
  2. Read the story of the temptation of Christ in Matthew 4:1-11.
  3. Consider a spiritual discipline that will help strengthen you against the evil one.



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