May 2017
Apr 2017

Our lives are a series of moves. Some calculated and planned, while other moves are difficult or unexpected. Living in the way Jesus described changes the game altogether! The rules are different when we allow God to work through us. And the outcome has supernatural possibilities! Join us on Sundays at 9:30am for the “Game Changers Series” April 23 to May 21, 2017....
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Mar 2017

“If Christianity is false, it’s of zero importance. But if it’s true, there’s nothing more important in the entire universe.” – C.S. Lewis What if it is true? That would change everything! It would change how we view and approach everything. It would change our very lives and everything around us. This pivotal message will offer new insight into why Jesus is who he says he is and how it changes everything we know. Join us on Easter Sunday, April 16 at 9:30am....
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Mar 2017

To believe that Jesus was the greatest or most influential man to ever live is one thing. To claim that He was and is God Himself, that’s quite another. How do we know that Jesus really was who He claimed to be? How do we know that the carpenter from Nazareth is the God through whom all the universe was crafted? In this series, we’re going to examine the person Jesus, son of Joseph of Nazereth. Join us on Sundays at 9:30am for the “Is He Who Really Who He Says He Is? Series” March 5 to April 16, 2017....
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Nov 2016

What’s in your pocket? Come to Crossroads at 9:30am, Sunday, November 20, 2016 to hear Maria Parker-Witzke speak about the Red Stone Movement and how it impacted her life. Then stay after worship to help us decorate the church for Christmas!...
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