Nov 2019

Join us Christmas Eve at 7:00pm for a family-friendly candlelight service of music and celebration. Glow-sticks and activity bags available for children. Invite friends and family to join you that night as we remember the birth of Jesus....
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May 2019
Crossroads invites the community to come hear guest performer, Miles McConnell, on Sunday, June 16, 2019. Classical guitarist Miles McConnell has a deep love for classical works and also holds a serious connection to American standards and inspirational music. Miles holds a Doctor of Musical Arts degree from the University of Wisconsin – Madison. For 8 years following graduation, Miles served on the music faculty at Clarke University and Loras College (both in Dubuque, Iowa). Miles taught applied guitar at both institutions, and American Music, Music Appreciation, and World Music at Clarke, and Music Theory at Loras. Since late 2017, Miles has been working as a Sheet Music Specialist with Musicnotes.com, the world’s largest e-commerce sheet music retailer and publisher. Miles enjoys performing and spending time in the recording studio. Released in early 2015, his CD ‘S Wonderful features the music of Bach, Copland,......
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Jun 2018
Feb 2018

On January 23, 1943, the USAT Dorchester, escorted by three Coast Guard cutters, left New York harbor bound for Greenland carrying 902 officers, servicemen and civilian workers. On February 2, one of the cutters detected the presence of a submarine but failed to find its position. Down in the ship’s stifling hold, four U.S. Army chaplains, Lt. George L. Fox, Methodist; Lt. Alexander D. Goode, Jewish; Lt. John P. Washington, Catholic; and Lt. Clark V. Poling, Reformed, circulated among the men calming their fears and passing out soda crackers to alleviate seasickness. Early in the morning of February 3 the chaplains were still up just before 1:00 when the torpedo struck. The tremendous explosion threw soldiers from bunks and the lights went out as the stricken ship listed to starboard, sinking fast.. The four chaplains quickly moved among the bewildered men, calming them,......
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Nov 2017

January Series “Enough: Discovering Joy Through Simplicity and Generosity” Sundays, January 7-28, 2018 at 9:30am Stress. Anxiety. Fear. These words capture what many Americans feel about the economy and their personal finances. We live in a society that tells us “you deserve it now”, whether or not we can afford it or really even need it. Join us for this four week series, as we examine our own spending, saving and giving habits and learn how to assess your financial situation and develop a financial plan that allows you to experience the true joy that comes through simplicity and generosity....
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Nov 2017

Join us Christmas Eve at 7:00pm for a family-friendly candlelight service of music and celebration. Glow-sticks and activity bags available for children. Invite friends and family to join you that night as we remember the birth of Jesus....
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Nov 2017

In a world full of chaos and crisis it is important to take time to stop and remember all the wonderful gifts God has given us. What better time to do that than the Thanksgiving Season. Join us Sunday, November 26th at 9:30am for a service full of song and praise to God and to hear guest speaker Jim Hook remind us that God blesses us so that we can bless others....
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Nov 2017

You are invited to join your friends and neighbors in an All Faith Thanksgiving Service for God’s many blessings on Sunday, November 19th at 6:30pm at St John the Baptist Catholic Church, 209 South St, Waunakee. Enjoy the music of our community church choirs as they sing together and a time of fellowship with pie and coffee in the cafeteria after the service. Worshippers are asked to bring an uncut pie to share. This year’s service is hosted by St John the Baptist and St Mary of the Lake Catholic Churches. The service is on the Sunday evening before Thanksgiving to accommodate busy holiday schedules and still allow our community to come together in Thanksgiving to recognize our Blessings. All are Welcome! Worshippers are invited to bring non-perishable food items for the Waunakee Food Pantry. Join us for a time of worship, thanksgiving and fellowship!...
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Jun 2017

There’s a new term called “Glamping.” This refers to those who want the camping experience without the nasty bugs and nature stuff. As Christians, do we do that with our discipleship? Are we ready to be actual disciples? Or are we still sitting safely in the pew on convenient Sundays? What does discipleship look like, and what does it mean for our life today? Join us on Sundays at 9:30am for the “A Wilderness Experience” Series June 4 to June 25, 2017....
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May 2017

We honor those who have fought in physical wars, but we also are in the midst of a spiritual war, and we are part of God’s Army. How do we continue to be good soldiers? And how do keep from becoming casualties of war? Join us Sunday, May 28 at 9:30am for a Memorial Day Service....
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