Jul 2019

Join us for the UMW Fall Retreat at Pine Lake Camp. Our topic this year is Women United in Change, 150 Years in Mission by Ellen Blue. Our speaker is Laura Pfeffer, the UMW Southwest district President. The retreat will be September 27th to September 29th. We can arrive after 3pm on the 27th, dinner will be at 6:30, we will leave for home by noon on the 29th. All you need to bring for the this retreat is your bible, sleeping bag, clothes and toiletries, bring an item with you representing your connection to mission or to a women’s mission organization (this is a request from our speaker), and of course your lovely self! Sign up with Nancy Koch for snacks and food. Cost for this fun event is $60.00 for both nights, $40.00 for one night or $20.00 for Saturday ONLY. Contact......
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Aug 2017

The Women’s Group at Crossroads is pleased to announce they will host guest speaker, Linda J. Whitelock, Treasurer of the Wisconsin Conference of United Methodist Women on Monday, September 11th, at 6:30pm in the lower level of the church. Linda will talk about the United Methodist Women’s Organization and share where and how donations to the organization is used to serve others. All women are welcome. Fellowship and refreshments will follow the program....
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