Tag: Service

May 2018
Healing Service

Are you broken…  physically, emotionally, spiritually, mentally?  Are you in need of God’s healing touch?  Are you ready to let go of the pain you carry?  Sunday morning will be a time of healing and release as we walk together into the healing light of God....

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May 2017
Memorial Day Service

We honor those who have fought in physical wars, but we also are in the midst of a spiritual war, and we are part of God’s Army.  How do we continue to be good soldiers?  And how do keep from becoming casualties of war? Join us Sunday, May 28 at 9:30am for a Memorial Day Service....

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Apr 2017
Service Sunday - Week of Service May 8-14

To conclude Crossroads' recent RETHINK series, we are taking the time normally spent preparing for, commuting to and attending a church service to get out into the community to serve others. We want to be the church. During the weekend of April 29th - May 1st, there are numerous service opportunities for all abilities and ages to work with several non-profits in our community. We challenge everyone to consider spending time serving that weekend. During the weekend of April 29th - May 1st, there are numerous service opportunities for all abilities and ages to work with several non-profit groups in our community. We challenge everyone to consider spending a few hours serving that weekend. ...

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Apr 2016
Weekend of Service

To conclude Crossroads' recent RETHINK series, we are taking the time normally spent preparing for, commuting to and attending a church service to get out into the community to serve others. We want to be the church. During the weekend of April 29th - May 1st, there are numerous service opportunities for all abilities and ages to work with several non-profits in our community. We challenge everyone to consider spending time serving that weekend. During the weekend of April 29th - May 1st, there are numerous service opportunities for all abilities and ages to work with several non-profit groups in our community. We challenge everyone to consider spending a few hours serving that weekend. ...

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Apr 2016
ReThink Series

It's about where you've been and where you are going. This Spring, what if we took time to search for something a little different and truly made it a time of new beginnings? We hope you will come to Crossroads for the RETHINK series from March 27th through May 1st as together we Rethink what we're searching for this spring. ...

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