May 2017

Crossroad’s “Day Timers” is a connectional group for anyone available over the lunch hour to meet, enjoy a wonderful meal and engage in great conversation. Being close to Mother’s Day, the group will be given the opportunity to share a story/memory of their mother or father. Join the Day Timers at noon on Friday, May 19th at Rex’s Innkeeper in Waunakee. You can register for this event with the register button to the right or just come if you are able!...
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Feb 2017

Crossroad’s “Day Timers” is a connectional group for anyone available over the lunch hour to meet, enjoy a presentation and engage in great conversation. Join the Day Timers for a special homemade St. Patrick’s Day luncheon on Friday, March 17th at noon at Crossroads. You can register for this event with the register button to the right or just come if you are able!...
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Sep 2016

Crossroad’s “Day Timers” is a connectional group for anyone available over the lunch hour to meet, enjoy a presentation and engage in great conversation. Join the Day Timers at noon on Friday, September 30th, 2016 at Crossroads. The presenter will be Keith Nelson who had the opportunity to visit Cuba with the Madison-Comaguey Sister-City program this summer. Keith’s visit was before the official opening of Cuba to U.S. visitors. He will be sharing the cultural experience through observations, memories and pictures. Lunch will be provided. You can register for this event with the register button to the right or just come if you are able!...
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