Jul 2017

Enjoy the peace that comes with an intimate relationship with the Holy Spirit. Find out how YOU can live a more vibrant life in constant relationship with the Holy Spirit through this three part series about who the Holy Spirit is, what the Holy Spirit does for us, and what the Spirit offers us. The sermon series “Meet the Holy Spirit Face to Face” runs on Sundays at 9:30-10:30am July 23 through August 6. ...
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Apr 2016

Who is God? Do we pray to God or Jesus? Who or what is the Holy Spirit? How is it possible that three separate entities can be one? What do they look like? In this 5 week message series called, “Trinity,” we’ll explore the details of how God can be three distinct persons and we’ll get to know each of them separately. You’ll come away with a better understanding of God as Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Come to Crossroads on Sundays at 9:30am May 8th - June 12th to hear more!...
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