Tag: fellowship

Oct 2017
Growth Groups 2.0

Crossroads is redefining how we think about Growth Groups. Growth is “the process of developing or maturing physically, mentally, or spiritually.” Some synonyms for Growth are progress, advance, rise, swell, stretch, and boost.  Interestingly, antonyms for Growth are stop, halt, failure, decline, stagnation. A Group can be defined as “a number of people who are considered together or share certain beliefs.” Synonyms for Group are association, assembly, body, society, and congregation. Antonyms for Group are individual, one, and alone. So, from now on, when we talk about Growth Groups, think of them as opportunities for “A body or congregation to rise in faith and stretch spiritually.” Watch for more information on — and the reveal of — Growth Groups 2.0....

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Aug 2017
2017 Summer Growth Groups

2017 Summer Growth Groups are open for registration! Aging Parents begins Tuesday, August 8th so sign up TODAY! Register for groups online or read more about groups on our Growth Groups page. Here are the exciting options for this summer:   Prayer Walking  June 19 – Aug 25 (no group the weeks of July 3 or July 10) Two options are available to accommodate different schedules:  Tuesdays at 7:00AM or Thursdays at 6:00PM Sign up for one or both! Led by Chris Erickson Prayer walking is a great way to pray while exercising.  This group will meet weekly at different location throughout Waunakee during the summer to pray for our local government, schools and neighborhoods all while getting some exercise.  When we meet we will have a brief discussion about the needs of the area we’re walking in, then walk together for about 30 minutes while we observe our community with......

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Jul 2017
Women's Group Summer Potluck

All women are welcome to the Women’s Group Summer Potluck on Thursday, August 3rd at 3pm. Weather permitting, the pool will be opened at 3pm for those who want to swim — you are welcome to bring your kids to swim.  Plan to eat around 6pm.  Bring a dish to pass and something to drink if you want more than iced tea or bottled water. Meat will be provided. Click the Register button on the right, or contact the church office at hello@crossroadswaunakee.org or 608-849-9599 to RSVP and indicate what food item you will be bringing.  Hope to see you there, all women are welcome!    ...

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May 2017
Day Timers Luncheon

Crossroad’s “Day Timers” is a connectional group for anyone available over the lunch hour to meet, enjoy a wonderful  meal and engage in great conversation.  Being close to Mother’s Day, the group will be given the opportunity to share a story/memory of their mother or father. Join the Day Timers at noon on Friday, May 19th at Rex’s Innkeeper in Waunakee.   You can register for this event with the register button to the right or just come if you are able!...

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Mar 2017
Women's Retreat

All women are invited to Crossroads’ Women’s Group’s annual retreat the weekend of May 5 – 7 at Pine Lake Camp.  This retreat provides the opportunity to build relationships and faith with other women.  There will be a special program on prayer. Sign up to attend the women’s retreat using the Register button on the right and Crossroads will contact you with more information. See the map on the bottom right for the location of the retreat and for directions to Pine Lake Camp.  ...

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Feb 2017
St. Patrick's Day Luncheon

Crossroad’s “Day Timers” is a connectional group for anyone available over the lunch hour to meet, enjoy a presentation and engage in great conversation. Join the Day Timers for a special homemade St. Patrick’s Day luncheon on Friday, March 17th at noon at Crossroads.  You can register for this event with the register button to the right or just come if you are able!...

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Sep 2016
Day Timers Luncheon

Crossroad’s “Day Timers” is a connectional group for anyone available over the lunch hour to meet, enjoy a presentation and engage in great conversation. Join the Day Timers at noon on Friday, September 30th, 2016 at Crossroads.  The presenter will be Keith Nelson who had the opportunity to visit Cuba with the Madison-Comaguey Sister-City program this summer. Keith’s visit was before the official opening of Cuba to U.S. visitors.  He will be sharing the cultural experience through observations, memories and pictures. Lunch will be provided. You can register for this event with the register button to the right or just come if you are able!...

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