Mar 2017

Families with young children are invited to a Families of Infants and Toddlers (FIT) outing to the Madison Children’s Museum on Sunday, April 9th. Meet in the dining area for lunch at 11:30, or inside the entrance at noon to tour the museum. Look for folks wearing CUMC T-shirts. Admission for children under 1 is free, and $7.95 for adults and older children. View parking and other information on the museum at madisonchildrensmuseum.org. Building relationships with others at similar life stages and with similar concerns creates a sense of community and understanding, a place where parents can laugh about the same things, and discuss the same problem, — where families can help each other. ...
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Sep 2016

Families with young children are invited to participate in Crossroads monthly Families of Infants and Toddlers (FIT) events. FIT meets the 4th Friday of the month at 5:30pm for indoor/outdoor playdates to get to know each other in an accepting atmosphere. Building relationship with others at similar life stages and with similar concerns creates a sense of community and understanding, a place where parents can laugh about the same things, and discuss the same problems, — where families can help each other. Our next Families with Infants and Toddlers (FIT) play date is Friday, September 23, 2016 at 5:30pm at Tierney Park located at 1413 Tierney Drive in Waunakee (see map to the right). Bring a picnic supper and join in the fun! ...
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