Feb 2018

On January 23, 1943, the USAT Dorchester, escorted by three Coast Guard cutters, left New York harbor bound for Greenland carrying 902 officers, servicemen and civilian workers. On February 2, one of the cutters detected the presence of a submarine but failed to find its position. Down in the ship’s stifling hold, four U.S. Army chaplains, Lt. George L. Fox, Methodist; Lt. Alexander D. Goode, Jewish; Lt. John P. Washington, Catholic; and Lt. Clark V. Poling, Reformed, circulated among the men calming their fears and passing out soda crackers to alleviate seasickness. Early in the morning of February 3 the chaplains were still up just before 1:00 when the torpedo struck. The tremendous explosion threw soldiers from bunks and the lights went out as the stricken ship listed to starboard, sinking fast.. The four chaplains quickly moved among the bewildered men, calming them,......
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Nov 2017

You are invited to join your friends and neighbors in an All Faith Thanksgiving Service for God’s many blessings on Sunday, November 19th at 6:30pm at St John the Baptist Catholic Church, 209 South St, Waunakee. Enjoy the music of our community church choirs as they sing together and a time of fellowship with pie and coffee in the cafeteria after the service. Worshippers are asked to bring an uncut pie to share. This year’s service is hosted by St John the Baptist and St Mary of the Lake Catholic Churches. The service is on the Sunday evening before Thanksgiving to accommodate busy holiday schedules and still allow our community to come together in Thanksgiving to recognize our Blessings. All are Welcome! Worshippers are invited to bring non-perishable food items for the Waunakee Food Pantry. Join us for a time of worship, thanksgiving and fellowship!...
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Oct 2017

We are excited to participate again this year in the 12th annual Waunakee Food 4 Kidz event. At this event hundreds of volunteers will be packaging both the Fortified Rice-Soy Protein Meal and a Fortified Cinnamon Instant Oatmeal. The Oatmeal will be distributed free to local food pantries by the Dane Co. Community Action Coalition and the Rice-Soy will be sent overseas to help feed hungry families. Crossroads is putting together teams to join in this event. Each team will fill up a table and package oatmeal/meals. The first shift is from 12-1:30pm & the second shift is from 2:00-3:30pm. Click HERE to sign up to be on a team. We need $500 to sponsor a table. To help with this effort, drop-off or mail your donation to the church office, or use the giving envelope in your bulletin at service–check “Other” and......
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Jul 2017

Let’s show our support of the WaunaFest Run by offering a sprinkler in front of Crossroads for runners to race through and cool down. The weather is predicted to be HOT HOT HOT! Come to cheer on the runners! BRING YOUR WATER SOAKERS and SQUIRT GUNS to provide an extra SPLASH of liquid relief and participate in the fun–don’t forget your lawn chairs! Click on the Register button on the right to let CUMC know you plan to be there. Contact the church office at hello@crossroadswaunakee.org or 608-849-9599 with any questions. ...
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Apr 2017

To conclude Crossroads' recent RETHINK series, we are taking the time normally spent preparing for, commuting to and attending a church service to get out into the community to serve others. We want to be the church. During the weekend of April 29th - May 1st, there are numerous service opportunities for all abilities and ages to work with several non-profits in our community. We challenge everyone to consider spending time serving that weekend.
During the weekend of April 29th - May 1st, there are numerous service opportunities for all abilities and ages to work with several non-profit groups in our community. We challenge everyone to consider spending a few hours serving that weekend.
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Dec 2016

Crossroads’ will again sponsor a meal for the homeless in Madison on January 8th. As always, we are in need of food items, and folks to help prepare the meal at Crossroads on the evening of January 8th at 5pm. Can you help with this ministry? Contact the church office at hello@Crossroadswaunakee.org to let us know! ...
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Apr 2016

To conclude Crossroads' recent RETHINK series, we are taking the time normally spent preparing for, commuting to and attending a church service to get out into the community to serve others. We want to be the church. During the weekend of April 29th - May 1st, there are numerous service opportunities for all abilities and ages to work with several non-profits in our community. We challenge everyone to consider spending time serving that weekend.
During the weekend of April 29th - May 1st, there are numerous service opportunities for all abilities and ages to work with several non-profit groups in our community. We challenge everyone to consider spending a few hours serving that weekend.
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