Nov 2019

All women are invited, to “Advent by Candlelight, a quiet time to prepare our hearts for the Advent season with fellowship, reflection and song, on Friday, November 30th at 6:00pm. Crossroad’s women’s choral group, Seraphim will be performing. You won’t want to miss this evening to ignite your heart with the pure Joy only Christ can give. Invite your mother, daughter, neighbors and friends. All women are welcome! Contact the church office at 608-849-9599 or hello@crossroadswaunakee.org to sign up!...
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Nov 2017

All women are invited, to “Advent by Candlelight, a quiet time to prepare our hearts for the Advent season with fellowship, reflection and song, on Friday, December 1st at 6:00pm. Crossroad’s women’s choral group, Seraphim will be performing. You won’t want to miss this evening to ignite your heart with the pure Joy only Christ can give. Invite your mother, daughter, neighbors and friends. All women are welcome!...
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Dec 2016

Simple Christmas Strip away all the glitter and tinsel. Step back from the boxes, bows, wrapping paper and consumer spending. Reclaim the holy, simple experience of Christmas that you so deeply long for. Come as you are and bring those you love to refresh yourselves in the message of hope, love joy and peace… rekindle that spirit of Christmas in your heart once again. Come to Crossroads Christmas Eve at 7:00pm for a worship service of music, candles (glow sticks for the children) and the simple message of Christ’s birth....
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