
Apr 2018
Resurrection Response

He is RISEN! How should we respond to the news of the resurrection in our lives and how to carry it with us everyday, not just on Easter. Review this message from April, 2018 as Pastor Kristen Lowe celebrates Easter. Listen to the message audio by clicking on the “Listen” button. View the message notes by clicking on the “Download” button. You can also click the “Watch” button to view the sermon from our Facebook Live stream. Read the scripture: Matthew 28: 1-9 & 1 Corinthians 15: 1-4. After listening to this message, apply its teachings to your  life by following these next steps: Respond to the good news of the resurrection by attending worship regularly to commune with God and be the body of Christ through the church. Offer the response of carrying out the mission challenge this week. Respond to the risen Christ by inviting one person......

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