
Jul 2016
Adjusting My Crown Part 4

Who are you?  Who defines you?  Who does the world tell you you are?  Who do you others tell you are?  Who does the mirror tell you you are?  Do you listen to the voices around you or the voices in your head?  There’s more here than we realize!  The world pushes us into an unrecognizable form – and we begin to believe it.  Who are you?  In the series “Adjusting My Crown,”  you’ll learn how to see the sacred worth in yourself and others.  You’ll learn to appreciate God’s plan for your life, and you’ll discover how to find joy and peace in who you are as God’s precious child. This message was not recorded.  We apologize for the inconvenience. Read this week’s scripture online: Galatians 1:11-20, Galatians 2:19-21 The next steps for this series are:   · Think about the price Jesus paid for......

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