Why God’s Love Prevails?

Why God's Love Prevails?

Due to the Covid-19 virus, Crossroads UMC has cancelled all worship services and large group activities until further notice.  Please join us in worshipping online during this time.

Review this service, where Pastor Scott Walters continues with the series “Why?”, based on the book of the same title by Adam Hamilton.

Over the past month in this “Why” series, we’ve asked some hard questions. Maybe this has challenged what you think you know about how God works in our world. Maybe this has left you feeling a bit less certain, safe, or secure. Join us for the conclusion of the “Why” series, as we reconsider how God walks WITH us, works THROUGH us and how our faith sustains us and gives us hope.

Watch the message by clicking on the “Watch” button.  Listen to the message by clicking the “Listen” button. Download the message by clicking the “Download” button. Follow along with the service using thisbulletin.

Scripture: Romans 8:14-17, 28, 31-35, 37-39


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