There’s No Shame In Forgiveness

There's No Shame In Forgiveness

What does it mean to forgive? How do I forgive someone who has wronged me, and how can I know that I have actually forgiven them? How do I begin to forgive myself and believe that God has forgiven me – especially when I feel guilt? In this 5-week series, we’ll discover the gift of true forgiveness of others and ourselves as it opens the way to abundant life. The series culminates with a healing service.

Review this message from April, 2018 as Pastor Mallory Moore gives us her take on forgiveness.

Read the message by clicking the “Download” button. Listen to the message audio by clicking on the “Listen” button.  You can also click the “Watch” button to view the sermon from our Facebook Live stream.

Read the scripture: John 8: 1-11.

After listening to this message, apply its teachings to your  life by following these next steps:

1. Make a list of people you are struggling to forgive.  Place the list in your Bible and pray for each of these people every day this week.

2. Read today’s scripture with new eyes and focus on areas of the scripture that speak to you.

3. Pray for God to open your heart to help release pain where it resides.



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