Sharpening Ourselves Through the Practice of Sabbath

Sharpening Ourselves Through the Practice of Sabbath

“If I had six hours to chop down a tree, I’d spend the first four hours sharpening my blade.” Abraham Lincoln

Your life feeling a bit rough around the edges?  Is your spiritual life feeling a bit dull?  Listen to the messages from the series “Sharpening Our Spiritual Edge”  presented February 21st – March 20th.  Each week Pastor Kristen explored another way to “Sharpen Our Spirit” though a specific spiritual discipline, giving you the tools to transform the rough and dull parts of your life!

Week 3 – March 6 – Sharpening Ourselves Through the Practice of Sabbath

What exactly is Sabbath?  Does it mean Sunday mornings?  Can it mean just being away from it all and resting?  Find out how practicing intentional, meaningful Sabbath can make your week better and more productive.


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