Sharpening Ourselves Through Fellowship With Others

Sharpening Ourselves Through Fellowship With Others

“If I had six hours to chop down a tree, I’d spend the first four hours sharpening my blade.” Abraham Lincoln

Your life feeling a bit rough around the edges?  Is your spiritual life feeling a bit dull?  Listen to the messages from the series “Sharpening Our Spiritual Edge”  presented February 21st – March 20th.  Each week Pastor Kristen explored another way to “Sharpen Our Spirit” though a specific spiritual discipline, giving you the tools to transform the rough and dull parts of your life!

Week 5 – March 20 – Sharpening Ourselves Through Fellowship with Others

Can’t my faith be private?  Why do I need Christian community?  Find out why God created us to be in connection with others and how this connection expands God’s power exponentially.


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