Rethink Where Church Happens

Rethink Where Church Happens

It’s about where you’ve been and where you are going.  This Spring, what if we took time to search for something a little different and truly made it a time of new beginnings?  Listen to messages from Crossroads’ RETHINK CHURCH series from March 27th through May 1st as together we Rethink what we’re searching for this spring.


“Is Church a place you go to on Sundays? Or is it much more than that? What if church were more about who we are and what we do? What if church is about living a life inspired by God’s love – a life that reaches out to the hurting and those on the fringes? What if church is about rolling up our sleeves and stepping out of our comfort zone to where others need us? Come hear about where church happens and rethink the possibilities!”


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