God’s Promise of Freedom

God's Promise of Freedom

Review this special message from February 2020,  from Pastor Scott Walters sermons series: New Year, Same Promises!

We live in a time when we are confronted by a myriad of choices.  Paper or plastic?  Small, medium, large, or super?  Organic or conventional?  Having options from which to choose is a staple of the American dream—a preferred cultural value that fosters our illusion of autonomy.  Therefore, the choices offered to the Hebrews in Deuteronomy 30:15-20 does not sit well with us as it gives offers only two options, life or death?  What does it mean for us to choose life?

Watch the message by clicking on the “Watch” button. Download the text of the message by clicking on the “Download” button. Listen to the message by clicking on the “Listen” button.


Scripture: Deuteronomy 30: 15-20, Psalm 119: 1-8





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