Naming the Disease
Why do I sometimes have trouble feeling God’s presence? Is God really listening? Is God really there? Pastor Kristen shares her experience at a hermitage asking these same questions. She’ll share her findings in this...
Receiving Through Relinquishing
What can you add to your life that will prosper you, recharge your batteries, help you feel God’s presence continually, make you feel alive and vibrant, promote a healthy spirit and body and propel you into...
Making Stillness Happen
What can you add to your life that will prosper you, recharge your batteries, help you feel God’s presence continually, make you feel alive and vibrant, promote a healthy spirit and body and propel you into...
Finding Stillness
What can you add to your life that will prosper you, recharge your batteries, help you feel God’s presence continually, make you feel alive and vibrant, promote a healthy spirit and body and propel you into...
What can you add to your life that will prosper you, recharge your batteries, help you feel God’s presence continually, make you feel alive and vibrant, promote a healthy spirit and body and propel you into...
Firm Foundation
What can you add to your life that will prosper you, recharge your batteries, help you feel God’s presence continually, make you feel alive and vibrant, promote a healthy spirit and body and propel you into...
The Care & Keeping of Joy
Christmas comes earlier each year. We buy more gifts, travel farther, and go to more parties in hopes of some great return that never seems to come. We know what the meaning of Christmas is...
A Better Love
Christmas comes earlier each year. We buy more gifts, travel farther, and go to more parties in hopes of some great return that never seems to come. We know what the meaning of Christmas is...
Finding Hope in a Hope-Hungry World
Christmas comes earlier each year. We buy more gifts, travel farther, and go to more parties in hopes of some great return that never seems to come. We know what the meaning of Christmas is...
The Election, Politics and Christianity
Christians are called to vote through a Christian lens. What do the scriptures say about voting and politics? Listen to this message via the Listen button above and follow along with the message notes by...