Sermons by Pastor Kristen Lowe

It Doesn't Make Sense

It Doesn’t Make Sense

Speaker: | July 08, 2018

This week Pastor Kristen talks to us about a time in the bible when nothing made sense and we find out how we can apply these lessons to our own life. Review this message from July, 2018 from Rev. Kristen...

Worshiping The Great Spirit

Worshiping The Great Spirit

Speaker: | June 24, 2018

This Sunday we celebrated Native American Ministries Sunday. Pastor Kristen shared with us what she learned from her Native American Course of Study. Review this message from June, 2018 from Pastor Kristen Lowe. Read the message by clicking the “Download”...

Banish Fear and Doubt

Banish Fear and Doubt

Speaker: | June 10, 2018

Hear the words of wisdom Pastor Kristen shared with our high school and college graduates on Sunday. Review this message from June, 2018 from Pastor Kristen Lowe. Read the message by clicking the “Download” button. Listen to the message audio...

I Got The Music In Me

I Got The Music In Me

Speaker: | June 03, 2018

Music! It plays such an important part of our lives. This week we celebrated the power that music has and sang some of our favorite hymns. Review this message from June, 2018 as Pastor Kristen Lowe talked about music. Read the...



Speaker: | May 20, 2018

Roaring wind and Holy fire…  The Holy Spirit (Ruach) came to the disciples unmistakably, just as Jesus said he would. The Disciples were in awe!  The Holy Spirit continues to come.  Sunday, we’ll explore the...

How To Forgive

How To Forgive

Speaker: | April 08, 2018

What does it mean to forgive? How do I forgive someone who has wronged me, and how can I know that I have actually forgiven them? How do I begin to forgive myself and believe...

Resurrection Response

Resurrection Response

Speaker: | April 01, 2018

He is RISEN! How should we respond to the news of the resurrection in our lives and how to carry it with us everyday, not just on Easter. Review this message from April, 2018 as Pastor Kristen Lowe celebrates Easter....

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