Single Messages

I Got The Music In Me

I Got The Music In Me

Speaker: | June 03, 2018

Music! It plays such an important part of our lives. This week we celebrated the power that music has and sang some of our favorite hymns. Review this message from June, 2018 as Pastor Kristen Lowe talked about music. Read the...



Speaker: | May 20, 2018

Roaring wind and Holy fire…  The Holy Spirit (Ruach) came to the disciples unmistakably, just as Jesus said he would. The Disciples were in awe!  The Holy Spirit continues to come.  Sunday, we’ll explore the...

Resurrection Response

Resurrection Response

Speaker: | April 01, 2018

He is RISEN! How should we respond to the news of the resurrection in our lives and how to carry it with us everyday, not just on Easter. Review this message from April, 2018 as Pastor Kristen Lowe celebrates Easter....

What Is Love

What Is Love

Speaker: | February 11, 2018

Fear, chaos, hatred, division, anger.  Listening to the news, it’s easy to feel like there is a war being waged against peace, hope and most importantly love.  Come to worship to engage in an exploration of the...

How Great is Our God

How Great is Our God

Speaker: | October 22, 2017

Your life is a miracle, and the creator of the universe knows you by name. The God who spoke the universe into existence made you too, and knows everything about you. From the smallest molecule...

Our God is Indescribable

Our God is Indescribable

Speaker: | October 15, 2017

Our God is HUGE!  Bigger than our problems, bigger than the earth, bigger than our imaginations can fathom.  Take a journey through the Cosmos and peer into God’s creation – the universe as we know...

Speak Life

Speak Life

Speaker: | October 08, 2017

Our words have power. God spoke and the world came into being. We have the power to create or destroy with the simple use of our tongue. How do we apply scripture to our words...

This Holy Mystery

This Holy Mystery

Speaker: | October 01, 2017

Jesus Christ is alive and present with us at Communion. Do you feel the awe and splendor of Jesus’ presence during Communion? This message will inspire you to think about Communion differently. Listen to this...

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