At Service
We dedicate our gifts to God each week during worship service. Write a check or bring cash and place your gifts in the offering plate passed during the service.
In the past year, Crossroads put faith into action and held collection drives, served with several non-profits, taught english and shared scriptures with non-english speakers, joined with other UMC churches in supporting relief from natural disasters and provided opportunities for adults and children to grow in faith and connect with others through worship, growth groups, and adult and children’s programs. All of these and other ministries are funded through donations from people just like you. Your donations of time, presence, prayers and financial funds make a real difference in our local community and beyond. Individually, as a local church, and collectively as part of the United Methodist denomination, we do remarkable ministry. And, we are called to do more. See below to learn how you can support the ministries of Crossroads UMC.
The ministries of Crossroads UMC are completely funded by offerings and donations of faithful Crossroads members and friends. We ask that you prayerfully consider how God is leading YOU to give.
We dedicate our gifts to God each week during worship service. Write a check or bring cash and place your gifts in the offering plate passed during the service.
You can write a check and mail it to Crossroads UMC, PO Box 8, Waunakee, WI 53597.
It is now possible and convenient to give online (either one time or reoccuring) using this website. Read more about the benefits of online giving below.
Donate NowIf you have property, assets, or other resources you want to bequeath as a gift, please contact our office for more details.
When you participate in online giving, you decide in advance to faithfully give. The Bible teaches that we are to honor God with the “First Fruits” of our labor (Proverbs 3:9). By setting up recurring contributions you ensure your First Fruits are faithfully given back to God.
With online giving, you don’t have to remember to write out checks or prepare envelopes. Your donation is deducted directly from your account even when travel or illness keeps you away. And, you can easily track and adjust your giving at any time. Our encrypted secure website ensures your gift can’t be lost or stolen.
Online giving with recurring donations allows for more consistency in budgeting, planning and implementing ministries.