Who is God? Do we pray to God or Jesus? Who or what is the Holy Spirit? How is it possible that three separate entities can be one? What do they look like? In this 6 week message series called, “Trinity,” we’ll explore the details of how God can be three distinct persons and we’ll get to know each of them separately. You’ll come away with a better understanding of God as Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Come to Crossroads on Sundays at 9:30am May 8th – June 12th to hear more!
May 8th – As we think about Father, Son and Holy Spirit, God as one and as three, how do we wrap our minds around the singleness and separateness of God? This overview launches a series that explores the various persons of God.
May 15th – Who is the Holy Spirit? There is an entity all around us that offers supernatural ability. What is this and how do we encounter the Holy Spirit? Find out who the Holy Spirit is and how this affects your understanding of God’s power within us.
May 22nd – What does the Holy Spirit Do? The Holy Spirit, an often overlooked person of the trinity, has an enormous presence in our lives. What is the purpose of the Holy Spirit and how do we open our eyes to the Spirit at work within and around us?
May 29th – Jesus: Son of God and Son of Man. Jesus is all human and all God. How can this be? How is Jesus all God and son of God? We’ll look at what the Bible has to say about the eternal Jesus.
June 5th – Who Is Jesus and Why Believe? Part 2. The human form of God walked with us for a short time. Why? How? Was Jesus around before he was born in a manger? Does Jesus still connect with us today? If so, how? We’ll take a look at how we’ve encountered God face to face.
June 12th – Fathom the God of the Universe! Is God a mother? What does God look like? Where does God live? There are so many questions about this entity we pray to. We’ll unwrap what the Bible tells us about God the Father in the sixth and final message in the Trinity Series.