2017 Summer Growth Groups are open for registration!
Aging Parents begins Tuesday, August 8th so sign up TODAY!
Register for groups online or read more about groups on our Growth Groups page.
Here are the exciting options for this summer:
Prayer Walking
June 19 – Aug 25 (no group the weeks of July 3 or July 10)
Two options are available to accommodate different schedules: Tuesdays at 7:00AM or Thursdays at 6:00PM
Sign up for one or both!
Led by Chris Erickson
Prayer walking is a great way to pray while exercising. This group will meet weekly at different location throughout Waunakee during the summer to pray for our local government, schools and neighborhoods all while getting some exercise. When we meet we will have a brief discussion about the needs of the area we’re walking in, then walk together for about 30 minutes while we observe our community with “God’s eyes” and silently pray for those things He brings to our attention. You do not have to be available every week to participate. If you cannot make any of these dates/times register for this group and note that you would like the self-guided materials to walk on your own.
Aging Parents
Tue: Aug 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 6:30-7:30PM
Led by Margo Collins, R.N.
Are you-or will be-caring for your parents? Join this 5-week group to discuss issues surrounding aging parents.