Don’t COME to church, BE the church.
Crossroads believes we are called to “be the church” in the community and world, serving others to transform lives. To live out our mission, Crossroads will not hold worship service or youth classes on Sunday, May 14th so together we can donate our worship time in service to community and global needs. Opportunities to serve include:
WNC Garage Sale: Crossroads is hosting Waunakee Neighborhood Connection’s Garage Sale. Shifts are available all week for pre-sale setup and sale help. Clean-up will be Sunday, May 14 9:30-11:30am. You may donate items for the sale May 8-9th and shop the sale May 10-13th from 9:00am-6:00pm.
Donate Baked Goods: Crossroads will sell baked items during the garage sale to raise relief funds for Syria. Sign-up to drop-off items Tuesday-Friday from 9:00am-5:00pm.
Make Cards for Homeless: May 14th 9:30-11:30am join in making 100 cards for the residents at Porchlight’s Homeless Shelter in Madison. Perfect for families, crafters and those who are unable to do lifting.
THIS SHIFT IS FILLED! – Make A Meal: May 14th at 5:00pm CUMC will make a meal for the Porchlight Homeless Shelter. Cards and left-over baked goods will also go to the shelter that night.
Review all of the available shifts and register to help by clicking on the button below. Need more information? Contact the church office at 608-849-9599 or