This Saturday morning,September 9 is our last Day of Renewal and we need “all hands on deck”. We hope to finish the rest of the outdoor work for this fall, and move to deep cleaning in the sanctuary. But we won’t be able to do it without more help.
Breakfast is at 7:30am followed by time for prayer. If you cannot make breakfast, feel free to come anytime between 7:30-11:30am.
Wanting to help further? We need people to help in further renewal work this year with things such as: steam cleaning carpet and chairs; deep cleaning kitchen and lower level rooms; washing windows; painting – both large surface and detail work; organizing and sorting; décor refresh of some rooms; etc. We are also needing people who would be interested taking responsibility for specific areas of the church (such as flower beds, pruning trees, nursery area, etc.) for annual upkeep. Email ( or call the church office (849-9599) with your interests and church leadership will be in contact with you with more details.