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Indoor Worship July 11th, 2021

For the 9:30AM  INDOOR Service:

  • Space is limited to the first 40 who register – CLICK HERE to sign up to reserve your spot. and indicate your ability to volunteer as a greeter or lay reader.
  • Plan to arrive early and enter only through the front door – folks will be seated in pods around round tables rather than in rows of chairs.
  • Stop at the hand sanitizer station before entering the sanctuary and do not come if you are not feeling well.
  • Facemasks are not required, but strongly encouraged for those not vaccinated or who feel more comfortable wearing a mask..
  • There will be no bulletins or congregational singing at this time.
  • Baskets for offerings will be available as you exit worship.
  • You are invited to make your way outdoors after the service to visit with others – we ask that you not shake hands, hug or visit with one another inside.
  • Restrooms will be available upstairs

CLICK HERE to download a copy of the bulletin!



July 11, 2021


9:30 am - 10:30 am

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