Crossroads invites the community to come hear guest performer, Miles McConnell, on Sunday, June 16, 2019.
Classical guitarist Miles McConnell has a deep love for classical works and also holds a serious connection to American standards and inspirational music. Miles holds a Doctor of Musical Arts degree from the University of Wisconsin – Madison.
For 8 years following graduation, Miles served on the music faculty at Clarke University and Loras College (both in Dubuque, Iowa). Miles taught applied guitar at both institutions, and American Music, Music Appreciation, and World Music at Clarke, and Music Theory at Loras. Since late 2017, Miles has been working as a Sheet Music Specialist with, the world’s largest e-commerce sheet music retailer and publisher.
Miles enjoys performing and spending time in the recording studio. Released in early 2015, his CD ‘S Wonderful features the music of Bach, Copland, Falla, and Gershwin.
Come Sunday, June 16, 2019 to Crossroads to hear Miles play during 9:30 a.m. worship and stay for refreshments and a mini-concert following.
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