During our current worship series “Spiritual Renewal Through Prayer” we will learn about the need to take time to renew: our minds, bodies hearts and souls as well as refreshing all aspects of our lives. The church and our facilities is no different.
Come to Crossroads Saturday mornings Sept 2, and Sept 9 from 7:30-11:30am, for breakfast, a time of prayer, and to help refresh our building inside and out. There will be plenty of work to do for all skills, abilities, and ages. Come fill your bellies, renew your soul, and serve our church so our building can shine as bright as our souls will after we renew too. Where two or three are gathered, God is with us! But the work sure gets done a lot faster with more hands!
Please sign-up and indicate which Saturday(s) you will be coming to and how many people will be coming from your family so that we can ensure the right amount of food, work and supplies on hand. Sign-up even if you can’t make the entire four-hour shift.
To sign up, contact the church office at hello@crossroadswaunakee.org or 608-849-9599 or join us on Saturday!.