Children’s & Youth Ministry


Educating, supporting and caring for children and youth is important for the health and wellbeing of our children, our families, our communities, and our future.  At Crossroads we believe we are called to lay a firm foundation of faith, ensuring they know that Jesus loves them, that they are created by God who makes no error, that they have a safe place to go with all questions and doubts and that God is with them through all circumstances in life.

We feel the best way to teach the next generation is by engaging with them and modeling what Christ teaches.  In addition to specific children’s and youth ministries, we intentionally schedule time for children to interact with many of the adult and older youth groups in our church.  This allows children to connect and grow in a diverse, multi-generational “family” environment.

Children and youth safety is very important to us.  Our Safe Sanctuaries Policy requires two adults be present with children at all times and all volunteers pass a criminal background check.

Read more about the ministries currently offered below or contact the church office for more details.

Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”

Matthew 19:15 NIV

“…bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord.”

Ephesians 6:4



We love having children in service and invite your children to join you in worship.  Our nursery is currently not staffed due to the pandemic, but parents are welcome to take their children to the nursery during worship where they can listen to the service over audio speakers.

Currently the nursery is not staffed on Sundays for children ages 0-4 years old. You are welcome to stay with your children in the nursery during service, we have a speaker system where you can listen to the service.

Sunday School

During the school year, we have Sunday School for kids ages k-2nd.  Sunday School is currently being held during worship every week until the end of the school year.


Confirmation runs during the school year and offered for those starting 7th grade or up.  If you or your student is interested in joining us, please contact the church office for more information.

Youth Group

Youth Group is currently not meeting. Youth Group is for students grades 7-12 and typically meets during the school year and have previously had topical studies, fun gatherings and service projects. If you or your student are interested in more information, please contact the church office.

To get updated information on children and youth ministries, subscribe to Crossroads’ bi-weekly newsletter (subscribe below).  If you have questions or want more details on a particular group, contact our office for more details.