Receiving Through Relinquishing

Receiving Through Relinquishing

What can you add to your life that will prosper you, recharge your batteries, help you feel God’s presence continually, make you feel alive and vibrant, promote a healthy spirit and body and propel you into the new year with more essence than you’ve had before? The answer is surprisingly simple.

Listen to this message by clicking the “Listen” button above and follow along with the message notes by clicking on the “Download” button. 

Watch a video relating to this message by clicking the “Watch” button above. 

Read the scripture from this message online:  Matt 6:25-34,  John 15:5, John 4:10

After listening to this message, apply its teachings to your life by following these next steps: 

  1. Eliminate something time and energy wasting for something lifegiving—register for a Growth Group!
  2. Find a final rock this week and draw a leaf on it to represent that which is lifegiving.






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